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Our Doctrines

We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). This means that it contains no errors and is given to us by the Spirit of God, not by man. God used faithful men to breathe His Words into what we call the Bible today (2 Peter 1:19-21). The Bible we use today is a translation of the original works of these men, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Because the Bible is the very Word of God, we seek to faithfully teach in its original historical and grammatical context. Because God’s Word is living (Hebrews 4:12), we seek to faithfully apply to all belief and practice both for our church and personal lives. We seek to live righteously in this present age by learning and obeying the Bible and teaching others to do the same (Titus 2:11-12, Matthew 28:19-20). 


We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully man and fully God. While on earth, Jesus claimed to be God (John 10:30-33). Because Jesus is fully God, He contains all attributes of God such as eternality (John 1:1, 14), holiness (1 Peter 2:22-23), and omnipotence (Matthew 8:27). Because Jesus Christ lived without any sin, it was necessary for Him to be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14).


We believe in the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus lived without sin and became the perfect sacrifice for our sin as the only suitable payment to satisfy the wrath of God (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 3:5). 


We believe that Christ physically died and descended into the grave and physically rose from the grave on the third day to offer victory over death and sin (Ephesians 4:9-10, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 55-58). 


We believe that a person can only be saved and forgiven of their sins through faith in Christ alone and His work on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5). No one can accomplish any kind of works to earn the gift of eternal life that is offered only by the grace of God (1 Peter 1:18-19). 


We believe that Christ will physically return to earth just as He ascended to Heaven (Acts 1:11). At His return, Christ will spare His people from His wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9), judge the unrighteous (2 Peter 3:7), and physically reign on earth (Revelation 20:6). 

Our Church History

The history of Hudson View Baptist Church in Yonkers, New York, dates back to 1849 when a preaching service was begun with Reverend John Dowling of New York City, serving as preacher and later succeeded by Henry Miller in 1852. Prompted by their faith, the individuals of this congregation resolved to establish a Baptist church in Yonkers, resulting in the founding of the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, with a cornerstone laid in 1850. Over time, the church evolved, witnessing changes in name and location, ultimately leading to the establishment of the Warburton Avenue Baptist Church in 1869, which was marked by significant growth and community engagement. 


One of the members of this congregation, Dr. Edward C. Bright, had the initiative to start a Sunday School in eastern Yonkers in 1863. The school rapidly expanded as membership peaked at 998. The continued growth of the school allowed for it to become a separate church in 1891 and the Nepperhan Avenue Baptist Church was established.


In the face of challenges over the years, the church persevered, and eventually ended up relocating to a new home on Hudson Terrace in 1972 and renaming itself Hudson View Baptist Church. Under the leadership of Pastor Ron Mahood from 1980, the church underwent a revitalization period, witnessing growth in membership and outreach efforts, including support for missions globally. Today, the church remains on Hudson Terrace and continues to share the Gospel with all who will hear as well as offering opportunities for many to grow closer to Christ.

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Josh & Ebba Jean Balmer

Pastor & family

Josh has lived in Yonkers since 2014. In the spring of 2017, God led Ebba to Yonkers to take a job after college. They met during this season and were married the following year. In June of 2023, Josh accepted the Senior Pastor position at Hudson View Baptist Church after having served there as the Assistant Pastor for nine years. Josh and Ebba have two children and love to spend time with their family and explore the endless adventures of New York. Their greatest joy is sharing the transformative Gospel with others.

Our Staff


Raj & Katrina Lall

Roanoke Manager & Office Manager

Raj and Katrina serve in various capacities in our church. Raj serves on our deacon board and also manages our Roanoke building. Katrina serves as the church Office Manager and church clerk. Both also work in our media ministry and teach our Young Adults Bible Study class. Raj has been going to Hudson View for over 20 years while Katrina moved to New York and joined our church in 2015. The two met at the church around this time and got married in 2022. Together, they enjoy traveling the world, exploring New York, and serving others in their church and in their community.


Kirk Habana

Director of Youth & Music

Kirk has grown up at Hudson View Baptist Church where he and his family have faithfully served in various capacities. After Kirk pursued his collegiate education in the field of music, the Lord called him back to Hudson View Baptist Church where he has served as our Director of Youth and Music since 2024. He serves as our youth group leader on Sundays and our Patch Club leader on Wednesday nights as well as our church pianist.

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